I chose you before the foundation of the earth to be my princess.
you are roalty even when you don't feel like a priness. I will
waite for you untill you are ready to start living the amazing plans I have for you.
I know you don't know where to begen or how to become what I'v called you to be, so let me teach you day by day. Start by recognizing who I am: King of kings and Lord of lords. The Lover of your Soul.
When the two of us meet alone together every day,I will show you how to let go of the things in your life that are holding you back from the blessings I want to give you.
Remember , My child, just as I have chosen you, I have given you a choice to reperesent Me to the world.
If you are willing, I am hear to give you all you need to complete your calling.
your Kingand Lord who chose you
You didn't chuse me I chose you.
I appointed you to go and produce fruit
that will last, so that the Father will give
you what ever you ask for, useing My name
John 15:16
From the book His Princess
By Sheri Rose Shepherd