Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My life may be hard but God's love and power is way bigger than all of my problems and with Gods help I can get through anything! <3 span="">

Philipians 4:13

I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!


A love letter from God

For those who lost a father, for those don't know your father, for those who are struggling to feel love, for those who just want to know if anyone is for them....For everyone....Please watch this....This is a love letter from letter from the best Father in the world...from the bestest of best friends...from the One who loves you and has loved you since before life had begun...and His name is Abba God


A Devotion God told me to write

Devotion #1 ~1-24-14~

Proverbs 14 2-3
2He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth Him. 3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride; but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.
 In our everyday life, we do not have a tendency to think about what we say or do. This especially happens with our words or thinking. We sometimes lie, we might cuss or curse, or we'll think we are better than others. But in Proverbs 14:3 it says that "in the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them." So the next time that your brother, sister, parents or friends "get on your nerves" ask God to help you guard against the words that you normally would say -or even think, and replace them with kind, gentle words.This may be hard at first but as long as we trust God to help us instead of trying to do it ourselves in our own strength we can make it.
Proverbs 14:2 says : He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth Him."
 This means that if we walk with our head and spirit up, we fear (or respect in awe) the Lord. In doing so, you are not only in awe of Him, but you have faith that you (with God's help) can do anything. But if you are perverse in your ways ( going against the will and desires of God for your life) you are despising Him; in a sense, scorning Him by thinking your way is better and He can't help you. But He can, and He will, as long as you ask Him and allow Him to work in your life. Just remember, the Lord said He will never leave us, nor forsake us "so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my Helper" (Hebrews 13:5b-6a). Any time that you need Him, He's there. When you are going through it, He's there, and when life is easy, He's there. He is "ALWAYS" there!!

Dear Jesus, I love you so much, and I know that You love me way more. Please help me to realize ~and remember~ not to try to handle my problems on my own, but instead to always ask for Your help. And Father, help me to think before I speak or do anything that would harm others or that is not pleasing to You... because I want to do what is right. Thank You, Jesus. ~Amen~

 "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips."
 Psalm 141:3


~ Breath in, Breath out, and Just Think ~

Breath in, Breath out, and Just Think

Breath in, Breath out, and just think,
Now...put your hand on your heart and feel your heartbeat,
Do you feel that? That heartbeat is called a destiny,
Destiny for your life... It proves you are worth something,
It proves that you deserve the best of everything,
Breath in, Breath out, and just think,
Its just a bad day, not a bad life,
The things that were done yesterday are done,
They can not be changed no matter how hard you try,
Just AFK....It means to Acknowledge what you did, Forgive yourself, and Let it go,
Breath in, Breath out, and just think,
Its just a day....but you must decide...if it will be your life,


This is a Poem that God gave to me

What is My Purpose?

What is my purpose, I must decide,
Is it to love and live life,
Is it to just be happy until we die.
Is it to find love, is it to be loved.
Is it to do many great works even though I don't
know what I am working for,
What is my purpose,
This question rolls through my head,
And no matter how hard I try to figure this out,
I can never decide,
There have been many times that I thought that I
found my one true purpose,
But every time that happens my mind begins to doubt,
What is my purpose, I must decide,
...Think about that phrase...”I must decide,”
That phrase is wrong in so many ways,
But life has been built upon that phrase,
But it is not us that must decide,
God, The King of kings, The Creator of everything,
The One who created you and me,
He made us with a purpose,
And now all we need to do is walk through that purpose,
He wants us to live in the best and the fullest of lives,
But to have that; we must let go of our pride,
And let God make the purpose and let God decide,
What is my purpose, This is something I can not decide,
For I have let my Father decide my purpose,
And let Him design and create my life,
Often times we forget that that God knew us before creation,
He knew what you would be like,
And He knew your purpose,
We forget that when God created the earth He thought of
every person on this earth and what their purpose would be like,
So to answer my question of what my purpose is.
My answer is simple,
My purpose is to let God decide and then live my life the best I can..for Him,

That is My Purpose!