I found this in my school and they gave me a site to go to and I found a good story and here it is.
The New School
A new girl named Taylor started school. The other children weren't sure they liked her. "She doesn't like to play soccer," said Susan. "She's always drawing in her sketch pad," said Katie. No one really talked to her. They thought she was strange.
Taylor was very sad. She really wanted to make new friends but didn't know how. Taylor asked her mom for advice. "How should I get the others to like me?" asked Taylor. "Just be yourself," said mother. "You'll make friends soon enough.
School was very hard for Taylor. No one talked to her or asked her to join in any games. Then one day, Mrs. Kent told the class about a contest. Everyone would have a chance to design the next cover of the school yearbook. The winner would also get a set of brand new paints and brushes.
Everyone was talking about the contest. They all had different ideas. That night Taylor went home and began working on a cover for the yearbook. She worked every night for a week to make her design perfect.
On the day of the contest, Taylor carefully packed her design in her book bag. She was wondered what the others would think of her drawing. She could hardly wait to hand it in.
When she arrived at school, Mrs. Kent asked everyone to display their designs on the front board. Slowly and carefully Taylor walked to the front of the room. She was the last one to hang her picture on the board. As she walked away, she heard the others gasp.
"Taylor, this is incredible! Did you do this on your own?" asked Mrs. Kent. All the children gathered around Taylor's picture. She had created a collage of all the students faces. Each one she had carefully drawn. The children began to point and call out, "Hey that's me!" "How did you do that?" "What a great artist!" That day, Taylor had lots of people to eat lunch with. The girls asked her to play on the playground. Mother was right, she did make friends.